Understanding Traumatic Brain Injury

On Behalf of | Aug 16, 2019 | Personal Injury

The terms “mild,” “moderate” and “severe” are commonly used to describe brain injuries and how those injuries affect brain function.  The type and amount of force causing brain injuries are factors that result in one or several areas of the brain being damaged or adversely affected.

All brain injuries are complex and unique and require prompt medical attention and an accurate diagnosis and appropriate medical care.  A traumatic brain injury, commonly referred to as TBI, can dramatically affect the victim’s quality of life.

The most common type of traumatic brain injury is a concussion.  Concussions are often suffered as a result of car accidents or impact sports, but can be caused by any direct blow to the head, whiplash type injuries, shaking or the head, or by an object that penetrates the brain tissue, such as a gunshot wound.

Montana residents who have suffered a whiplash injury or blow to the head of any sort should be aware of what symptoms to look out for.

Symptoms of mild traumatic brain injury may include:

·      –  Loss of consciousness

·        No loss of consciousness, but being in a dazed, confused, or disoriented state

·       Headache

·       Nausea/vomiting

·       Fatigue

·       Difficulty with speech

·       Trouble sleeping or sleeping more than usual

·       Dizziness and loss of balance

·       Blurred vision

·       Ringing in the ears

·       Sensitivity to light

·       Sensitivity to sound

·       Memory problems

·       Difficulty concentrating

·       Mood changes and mood swings

·       Depression and anxiety

Moderate to severe traumatic brain injury symptoms may include:

·        Loss of consciousness

·        Persistent or worsening headache

·        Vomiting or nausea

·        Seizures or convulsions

·        Dilation of pupils

·        Clear fluid draining from nose or ears

·        Inability to awaken from sleep

·        Weakness/numbness in fingers or toes

·        Loss of coordination

·        Confusion

·        Agitation or other unusual behavior

·        Slurred speech

·        Coma

If you have suffered from a traumatic brain injury resulting from someone else’s negligence, you may be entitled to compensation.  At Paoli Law Firm our attorneys have extensive experience helping clients who have suffered a brain injury.  Contact Paoli Law Firm to discuss your case. 406-542-3330